Stress & Chiropractic

Each person experiences stress almost daily. Whether it’s a busy schedule, endless tasks at work, or raising a family, stress negatively affects your health. It’s very important to be mindful when it comes to factors that reduce your overall well-being. Chiropractic is a tangible way to physically release stress from your body and become more relaxed. Dr. Koester is ready to help you begin your wellness journey in the Nashville area. 

  • How is stress stored in your body? When your mind is stressed, it begins to affect your body. You begin to release stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, which forces your heart to beat more rapidly and muscles to tighten. These side effects of stress are more commonly known as “fight or flight.” It is your body’s way of gearing up to defend yourself against an approaching threat. So, while it might just be a bill you have to pay, your body physically responds because it does not know the difference between a physical threat and a mental threat. Your spine is the center of your body- it’s what keeps you standing upright. All messages that your body sends to your brain go down your spinal cord, through your nervous system. Taking care of your spine means taking care of your whole body.

  • Why do I need to see a Chiropractor for stress? Dr. Koester can help relieve stress through adjustments, which promotes the body to release hormones that help you relax, like cortisol and oxytocin. More known as “feel good” hormones, these send signals to your brain to allow your muscles to relax and mind to be calmed. Eventually, stress can also weaken your immune system, so it is important to focus on decreasing stress, because it ultimately might make you sick more often.

  • How can I incorporate a stress-free lifestyle along with being adjusted regularly? It’s important to eat nutrient-rich foods and get your body moving daily. Exercising also releases the feel-good hormones and keeps your body in good shape. Taking a few moments throughout the day to breathe deep and reflect is also beneficial to lower heart rate and give your hormones a refresh.

Make your appointment online today or stop by our office in Goodlettsville! Your body will thank you.

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